The Foundation supports large scale
marine protection, coastal conservation, coral restoration
and blue carbon exploration efforts.
Ocean Conservation
The Tiffany & Co. Foundation awarded its first ocean grant in 2000 to preserve critical coral reef ecosystems. The Tiffany & Co. Foundation remains committed to protecting our ocean through large scale marine protection and coastal conservation.
Marine Protection
The Tiffany & Co. Foundation’s grantees have helped to protect almost 13 million square kilometers of ocean (double the size of Australia) across the world’s five oceans. The Foundation remains dedicated to supporting organizations for large scale marine protection to reach the global goal of safeguarding at least 30% of the world’s land and ocean by 2030.
Coastal Conservation
The Tiffany & Co. Foundation values healthy oceans and the important role that coral reefs, coastal habitats, and blue carbon play in these ecosystems. The Foundation supports organizations dedicated to preserving critical coral reef and coastal ecosystems for biodiversity protection and supporting the millions of people who rely on the oceans for livelihoods, nutrition and well-being.
The Foundation is proud of its legacy of grantmaking in its historic program areas of Responsible Mining, Urban Parks and the Decorative Arts. While these programs are retired, this work continues to create value and impact in these fields today.